Friday, August 28, 2009

Slim down exercises

  • Because I sit down for 12 hours per day everyday, now my butt is obviously gaining lots of fats on it, plus a potato chip diet non-stop for weeks, I hereby officially declare that I need to resume my exercise routines!
  • It is a crime not to do these uber simple butt exercise:
  • I usually do pilates either at gym (to use their Swiss ball and the dumbbells) after using threadmills or simply at my own room.
  • For easy butt exercise:
  • And also this: 30 Days to a Better Butt
  • I especially like the shoulder bridge routines, which is also part of my favourite pilates moves.
  • Don't forget to stretch before your gym routines especially if you are doing some intense running on the threadmill.
  • I love pilates and the routines are easy to perform. They are effective in toning your abs, muscles, and keep fit.
  • Below is the pilates routine performed by a Ford Model Lorie Baker which I practiced since half year ago (but stopped after indulging in my reading and writing T_T):
  • After you can do the pilates routines on a regular basis and is comfortable with it, try to increase the difficulty level of pilates moves. This is the 'high level' pilates which I found difficult to do but really effective:
  • I cannot make my legs straight and thus I cannot perform the routines which require a total straight strectched leg but I do them anyway with a little bent on my knees. To correct this I actually need to practice yoga but I fail miserably with even the simplest yoga moves. Period.
  • And of course, if the butt is getting bigger, it also means the belly is popping out too! I have been losing my flat stomach every now and then since I hit 25 years old. I guess women start aging at that age is not a myth T_T
  • These are some 'easy' steps to flat abs and I particluarly love the step number 4 and 5. Practice that way if you are in your room. Taking a weight ball (I use 1 kg) if you are at a gym, make sure your feet don't touch the ground and switching side for a set of 8-15 reps. After you get used to this exercise, try to do it slower, like from left to right or right to left using 12 to 13 seconds. Make sure your muscles are shaking and your feet are not touching the ground during that 12 seconds. I love it, huhu.
And also, for office ladies and students, these are great flat-belly exercises on the chair because we sit on the chair all the time (so there is no reason to say "no time for gym"!). And trust me, they are not easy as how they look, so it's definitely a must do when you decide to move your eyes away from the screen or books :)
  • These won't help you Lose 2 Inches in 2 Weeks unless you couple it with food diet. But these are great exercises (I am very bad at sit-ups or push-ups type of routines >_<) to keep yourself in check. And if you own a dumbbell or two, there is no reason not to do these. They are so damn easy so just do it if you want to fit in your smaller dress size.
  • To summarise what I do in order to slim down:
  1. Don't skip breakfast. I eat 2 half-boiled eggs.
  2. Do pilates 3 times per week.
  3. If you don't want to forget or procrastinate, do them everyday!
  4. Eat little for dinner.
  5. Detox---no meats, only fruits and vegetables and tuna or salmon to fulfil your craving for meat.
  • What's the fuss for me to write this post?
drum rolls..................
  • I cannot fit in my skinny jeans!!! Argghhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wind Storm hit Victoria

It's really bad. I even cancel my plan to go to the library today.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Everyone must watch 15 Malaysia's "House"

This is so sad. I've been looking forward to its release and I am not disappointed. It sounds irony because this short film shows the disappointing picture of Malaysia. I teared watching it. Hmph.
這短片的一開始顯示的是開朗的一面﹐ 雖然男主角是在拾垃圾的場面中出現。後來他的美術作業屋子被弄壞了﹐ 另一邊他的母親阻止不了住屋被拆。結局是絕望的。

Friday, August 21, 2009

15 Malaysia: Chocolate by Yasmin Ahmad

*This is my first dual-lingual post, inspired by SnowxWhite 白雪不是公主♥.*
I just watched the second installment of 15 Malaysia short film project, "Chocolate" by Yasmin Ahmad. Unlike "Potong Saga", the first installment starred by NameWee which is very hilarious, "Chocolate" leaves something deep in the viewer's heart.
剛剛看了雅斯敏的 "巧克力"。之前看了黃明志主演的 "Potong Saga" 超搞笑。再加上聽聞 15 Malaysia 有許多喜劇, 原以為這也是個輕鬆的短片, 沒想到竟是個深沉傷心的片子。
My 2 cents:
  • It's 2 minutes and 16 seconds, but leaving us wonders more than a 2-hour movie, as one reviewers quipped.
  • Tan Mei Ling is a good "supporting actor" of this short film, though we didn't see her face at all (but you can see her in "The Making of"), the way she talked (or shouted?) to her "son" Howard Hon is done in a very typical Malaysian-Chinese-mother way.
  • I always remember a Confucian buddhism teaching that I learnt when I was younger: the louder you shout, the more distant the hearts are. I think you can find this in one of those forwarded mails too, LOL. It took me 15 years to truely understand this and I am still trying to improve myself, on not to shout.
  • I don't understand why this boy does not want to further his study on full scholarship. OK lah, you are worried your mom will be cheated by the useless boyfriend of hers. But since she threw you a "I don't mind being cheated, how's that?" message, I would love to fly away to study in a foreign land and left a don't-cry-to-me-or-ask-for-help-if-you-are-cheated-in-the-end message before I left.
  • I saw in "the making" Howard Hon is still wearing a singlet. Why does he has to be shirtless when filming? LOL
  • I read lots of comments on why the boy wouldn't sell the chocolate for 15 cents which is priced at 20cents. Well, watch THIS to have a deeper understanding on Chinese businessmen^^ Though it's kinda stereotyping but the truth is not so far away from it^^
  • OK, I am just joking on the last point. This boy in the film apparently has a very bad temper that he would not care less to jaga his image in front of a girl which he is fond of----but would hand out a wrong item to the girl to show that he is head over heels for her? Or at least pretend that he forgot what she requested and ask the girl again what she wants before hand her the AA batteries lah.
  • Some opine that the boy intended to hand the chocolate to the Malay girl after she left but he left the candy on the counter after his mother is calling him over to continue the lecture.... I would prefer if he would at least get out of the counter and paused at the exist (or in front of the counter) and thought for a while before put the chocolate down and head toward his mother. I don't know if it is only me but the speed of him rushing towards his mum is way too fast that I don't even notice he is actually intended to chase the girl and give her the chocolate. I only thought of it as the girl left he needed to put the chocolate back into the bottle but was unable to because his mom called him. Oh well, people can decipher the meaning of the miliseconds of the action in anyway they want to :)
  • 就如其中一個評論者所言, 這2分鐘16秒的短片給觀眾留下比兩個小時電影還要深刻的印像。
  • Tan Mei Ling (陳美玲?) 意外地被列為配角, 對我來說她像是個主角, 從片初到片末都是她的聲音。我得說她的謾罵聲像極了我的嬸嬸 (sshhhhh)。她把馬來西亞華人母親的神韻捉得很準確, 雖然片中從頭到尾連她的影子都沒看到。
  • 我很記得小時候在孔教中學到的一件事: 嘴上喊得越大聲, 心的距離會被拉得越遠。可讓我驚訝的, 是這個男生是如何得對他的母親不離不棄。 是我的話早就不知跑到哪去了 (沒良心)。
  • 這第三點也說明了我為何不了解這男孩不拿獎學金去念書。 片中沒說是去新加岥, 但很多評論都說是, 哪來的hint 啊? 無論如何, 沒看清自己的前途而執意留下以防母親被騙, 太不成熟了。他的媽媽顯然更聰明, 知道讓他留下看店沒前途, 去念大學更好。有這麼聰明的媽媽我都放心去昇學啦~ 再說萬一媽媽真的被沒用的男朋友騙了你有好學歷做好工作來照顧她呀~
  • 為什麼 Hon Kah Hoe 得光着上身拍這片子呢? 讓 Sharifah Amani 瞧得多不好意思, 哈哈。
  • 懶得翻譯這一點, 請點擊英語第六點的鏈接然後捧腹大笑。
  • 另一個讓我想不透的疑點是那脾氣不好的男孩怎麼會在讓他痴迷的女生面前拿錯了物品 (電磁和奶瓶差很遠耶!), 發現拿錯了問也不問 (至少假裝忘了) 就直接把對的物品拿出來, 故意捉弄人嗎? 欠打~ piak~
  • 最後一點﹐ 也是最後一幕﹕ 有者說他正要追上那女孩以轉交那巧克力, 但由於媽媽叫住他而打消念頭, 把巧克力放在桌上。但由於他的轉身速度太快, 我還以為他是來不及把巧克力放回原位呢! 根本看不出哪點他想要追出去呀! 我重複看了好幾次就為了確定這一點耶! 應該是我太沒感情, 太鈍了吧!
I especially like the reviews written by Rui Wen, Lum Chih Feng, and clockworkcat. (All in mandarin, sadly have not found any review in Malay or English---only one mention in Malay language HERE in regards to Yasmin Ahmad's passing and her "Chocolate")
我很喜歡 不吸血的蚊子蓝志锋 陈伟智 aka 發條貓 的評論。為什麼甚少馬來語與英語的評論呢﹖
Yasmin Ahmad and Sharifah Amani. – Picture by LIM SOK LIN
Not to be missed is the making of "Chocolate", very touching. Sharifah Amani is so lovely and cute that she can still act as a secondary school student :) I miss Yasmin Ahmad...
請一定要觀賞以下的製作過程片段, 雅斯敏所說的都很感人。莎麗琺 阿瑪妮 是個很可愛的演員, 以她的年紀與身高還能扮演中學生。我從 “單眼皮” 開始註意她, 她也是雅斯敏一手帶起的藝人。 看了雅斯敏的解說, 真的很想念她。 剛剛看了她的面書, 竟然有海外影迷不知她過世的消息而問候她為何好久沒 update status。經其他影迷指點道她已過世還難以接受, 以為她的過世新聞是個 hoax。唉。。。
Before I forgot, Happy Ramadhan to all and selamat berpuasa.
在此也祝回教同胞們有個美好的齋戒月, selamat berpuasa.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

World Humanitarian Day

Today (19 August) is the World Humanitarian Day, I recommend everyone to read this piece by a humanitarian aid worker:
And also the WHD website from the UN:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

La Trobe University on Tram 86

This Route 86 tram with La Trobe University's infinity sign on it is roaming on the route passing through Waterfront City, Docklands, City Centre (Bourke Street), Getrude Street, Smith Street, High Street, City of Darebin (Northcote, Preston, etc), La Trobe University, Bundoora, Brand Junction, and RMIT University Bundoora campus.
  • *Scheduled Post*

Friday, August 7, 2009

Seminar Pembangunan Insan

Talks given by Dato Seri Hishammudin Hussein and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah on this Sunday. May or may not blog about it after I end my internet-fasting.
  • *Scheduled Post*

Puasa Internet

Human-friendly Kingfisher at Kennet River, Victoria
  • Will remain offline until the end of this month. So no more updates until September.
  • Wish me luck on my study!
  • Muacks!

'헉! 토끼 맞아?' "Huh! Is that a rabbit?"

  • Do you feeling odd looking at this picture? Is there something missing?
  • Still cannot spot something odd here?
  • These rabbits only have one ear!
*Click to enlarge*
  • They are adorable even with one ear, LOL \(≧▽≦)/
Source: Chosun Ilbo 조선일보 朝鮮日報

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Washington Post and someone who is ill

  • I was reading about the news on the release of 2 American journalists by North Korea government after Clinton went on a "private humanitarian mission". I notice that given how often American has negative stereotyping towards North Korea and its supreme leader, a funny typo occurred:
  • Can you notice the typo from the interview dialogue above?
  • Kim Jong Il becomes very Ill.
  • Note that it is actually a popular joke indicating Kim's deteriorating health by changing his romanized name from "Il" to "Ill". But this is a formal academic interview (and it is published by the Washington Post!) so this mistake should not happen.
  • I guess the editor also thinks that kim Jong Il is ill ^^
  • His name is 金正日, 日 is translated as Il after romanized; while in Mandarin it's "Ri" or in Japanese as "Hi", "Bi", or "Ni".
  • Read the original post HERE.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Let them eat cake!

  • This post is inspired by Eyes Wide Open. The content is copied and pasted from there. I find this amusing but at the same time sympathised the minority group in Sarawak.
  • "Let them eat cake!"----"qu'ils mangent de la brioche."
  • The quote, as attributed to Marie Antoinette, was claimed to have been uttered during one of the famines that occurred in France during the reign of her husband Louis XVI. Upon being alerted that the people were suffering due to widespread bread shortages, she is said to have replied, "Then let them eat brioche." This type of callousness on the part of the monarchy has often been referred to in writings about the possible factors that led to the French Revolution.
  • In Sarawak, Malaysia:
  • (Bernama) - Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr George Chan was shocked over news reports about 3,000 Penans in the remote settlements in upper Belaga in the Kapit Division facing starvation due to shortage of food.
  • "I'm very is impossible. If nobody helps them, the Penans can still survive in the jungle easily as they can hunt for animals and forage for edible plants," he told reporters here today.
  • Meanwhile, Ulu Rejang MP Datuk Billy Abit Joo also expressed shock over the news reports, but also amusement, saying that "shortage of food does not mean the Penans are starving".
  • "There are about 1,000 Penans in the six settlements and they are not starving. "The Penans have always faced food shortage due to the destruction of their food source, but this year they had poor rice harvest because the crop had been destroyed by insects and monkeys," he said.
  • "The Penans will share their harvest, hunt for animals and look for wild sago as their staple food. They will not starve," he said.
Don't you feel sad and pathetic, reading this :(

Saturday, August 1, 2009

You shouldn't be taxed for being a woman

  • The Coles supermarket is the favourite place for grocery shopping, except certain cheaper food and essentials we buy at Safeway^^
  • Currently there is a 4 days sales so I have a look at the catalogue before going to shop, and I found this:
  • No wonder I think it's quite cheap, haha. Don't convert the currency lah. Nonetheless it's not suitable for Asians... if you know what I mean >_<
  • Should buy a lot from Malaysia, LOL
Full cream milk for 80 cents! (/≧▽≦)/
  • Devondale is my second favourite brand for milk here^^ Buy buy buy....