Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Washington Post and someone who is ill

  • I was reading about the news on the release of 2 American journalists by North Korea government after Clinton went on a "private humanitarian mission". I notice that given how often American has negative stereotyping towards North Korea and its supreme leader, a funny typo occurred:
  • Can you notice the typo from the interview dialogue above?
  • Kim Jong Il becomes very Ill.
  • Note that it is actually a popular joke indicating Kim's deteriorating health by changing his romanized name from "Il" to "Ill". But this is a formal academic interview (and it is published by the Washington Post!) so this mistake should not happen.
  • I guess the editor also thinks that kim Jong Il is ill ^^
  • His name is 金正日, 日 is translated as Il after romanized; while in Mandarin it's "Ri" or in Japanese as "Hi", "Bi", or "Ni".
  • Read the original post HERE.

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