Sunday, September 27, 2009

Raya food and more healthy diet + lifestyle

Saya akan timbang diri sendiri sama ada pada hari Rabu atau Jummat ini, kemudian buat pelan detox dan jadual masa gym serta renang. Sekian.
  • I have lots of pimples now and my stomach is bloating almost all the time. Urgently need to detox myself not only from the oil and charcoal food but also from lack of sleep. Will start to adjust my lifestyle back to normal. An email from my student that titled (translated from Mandarin): "Irregular sleeps equals to commit suicide---for people who don't sleep at night", somewhat rings an alarm to me and I suppose I should live a healthier lifestyle.
  • I will force myself to go to campus everyday and do my work in the office as much as I can. And this, will require me to wake up early and my room will be the place for leisure and rest only. Making the bedroom as my workplace is probably the factor that contributes to my on-and-off insomnia. But to tell the truth, I love to do work in my room. Hmph.
  • Need to build up my stamina at the gym, I lost to a nanny in swimming on the last Thursday and I am ashamed of myself^^
  • Lately it's cold again and I don't sweat much. No detox activity at all. No good^^
Aja! Aja! Fighting!