Sunday, December 6, 2009

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO)

  • Many thanks to SS for the free ticket!
The symphony of the last day performance is Brahms and opera The Valkyrie: Wotan's farewell, see this page.
  • Never expect to get a seat so up front!^^ It's on the left side of the stage so I can't see what is at the back or on the right (LOL)
  1. The conductor is the uber famous Otaka Tadaaki 尾高 忠明.
  2. The one standing next to conductor and was flashing in white because of my stupid camera is the famous bass-baritone (equivalent of soprano for female?) John Wegner.
Because of him, I would love to watch at least one opera in Europe one day! His eager eyes are scary and intimidating while plying the role of Wotan. But some part of it is quite sad esp when Wotan is biding farewell to his daughter whom he condemned to be sealed in the Ring of Fire until a hero who is not afraid of the Ring of Fire to come and save her. This is Act III from the whole act of Die Walküre (The Valkyrie).
  • I accidentally turned on the flash while taking this photo -_-"
  • Luckily no one came to me and blame me or something LOL
  • The Concertmaster or Konzertmeister (or leader in UK) on the right, I can only see his back^^ He is brilliant, though I know little about music. I observed all violinists and there are differences in unison.
  • The orchestra will play some tune on their music instruments before each performance starts :)
  • Almost full house in Hamer Hall of Melbourne Arts Centre.
  • With nearly 80 years experience of playing in the MSO between them, Principal Second Violin Rudolf Osadnik and Double Bassist, Anthony Smith are set to retire in December after long and distinguished careers with the Orchestra.
  1. I was wondering when i noticed all music notes stands have some colourful ribbons hiding underneath. It happens to be their end-show tossing at the retiring musicians :)
  2. This is the last show for Melbourne International Arts festival and also the last performance from the orchestra with their best musicians :)
  3. My love and knowledge for classical music increased after reading Nodame Cantabile :) The power of manga yay! But following the author's sickness Carpal Tunnel Syndrome made known that put the series on a hiatus, I am wary of my own working habit in front of PC/laptop too o.O