Yesterday's news:
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak wipes away his tears during his speech to the nation at the presidential Blue House in Seoul, South Korea, Monday, April 19, 2010. Lee pledged Monday to take strong action against whoever was responsible for a mysterious explosion that sank a South Korean warship last month, amid growing speculation that North Korea may be behind the blast. (AP Photo/Yonhap, Jo Bo-hee) (Jo Bo-hee - AP)
Source: Washington Post
Today I went to National Assembly Library as usual. What is unusual about the very misty morning is the mourning messages around the National Assembly areas.
The mourning message hung on the building of National Assembly. I don't know what exactly is the message but I can read 천안 which pronounces "Cheonan".
The R.I.P. message to Cheonan victims across the road
Today all Korean newspaper contain titles more or less like this: 침몰 천안함 함미 절단면 정밀조사 착수…남은 절차는 which roughly means "Cheonan sank and the whole country is...."
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