Friday, October 16, 2009

What did you say? 何を言ったの?

Raw whale on menu in Shimonoseki Japan Photo: Danielle Demetriou
Source: Telegraph UK

  1. I just can't believe how thick-skin people (or news agency or media) can get.

  • Most Japanese have never consumed dolphin or whale meat and many are opposed to the kills.

(Mainichi Japan) October 16, 2009

  1. I can still remember very well a Japanese says she cannot resist trying out whale meat when the restaurant offers it on the menu.
  2. And also the local's effort to promote whale meats to school children and the children say the whale meat is delicious and they like it----an attempt from the supporters of "Don't let the whale-eating tradition die out".
So.. what did the Manichi Daily say again?

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