*Western Georgian calender is 28 September; Chinese Lunar calender is 27th day of 8th lunar month, which falls on 15 October this year 2009)*
Am posting this because in Mainland China they are celebrating the teacher's day in conjunction with Confucius birthday today.
Some well known Confucian quotes:
- "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." 知錯能改,善莫大焉。(Lit: To know your faults and be able to change is the greatest virtue.)
- "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others" 己所不欲,勿施於人。
- "With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my crooked arm for a pillow - is not joy to be found therein? Riches and honors acquired through unrighteousness are to me as the floating clouds" 疏食飲水,曲肱而枕,樂在其中矣。不義而富貴,于我如浮雲。
- "To understand nothing is to understand everything." 知錯大 能改,善樂在其莫焉。
I disagree with the translation for the last quote. It should mean something like "know your wrong deeds and willing to correct them, there is joy in doing so". I am not sure of the meaning of the second verse though .but the first verse is definitely about "to realize what is wrong and attempt to correct it". We learn this in the shortened form: 知過能改,善莫大焉 during primary school. I don't think I am mistaken about this, but... who knows the larger meaning of it is "to understand nothing is to understand everything"?
Argh, unacceptable. That English translation is deviated too far away from its true meaning!
When I googled and apparently lots of Chinese site take this translation and circulate it as the correct translation for the proverb. Oh please Wikipedia, that is wrong!
Art works related to Confucius: http://www.onelittleangel.com/wisdom/art/sacred.asp?mc=15
Happy birthday (a few days late). Do drop by my blog for more food/news updates. ;) Tcare.
Many thanks Kim Ong :) Have been checking out yours and Josiah's blog for quite some time. You guys are awesome! Take care!