Friday, September 25, 2009

20th Melbourne Queer film festival

Stumbled upon this while booking ticket for Australian Malaysian Film Festival^^
  1. This is so interesting!
  2. But I'm not sure what they mean by Become a member and enjoy benefits all year round! ^_^
  • But let's pray that I won't be in Melbourne during this time LOL


  1. hey ping, ur going to the australian malaysian film fest ek? i nak pergi jugak! huhu.

  2. yep! I'm going to watch "Talentime!" which starts screening at 1pm. Tengah fikir nak tengok "Muallaf" ke tak. It starts at 7pm, pada hari yang sama. Nak lepak sepanjang hari kat Fed Square ke? huhu^^

    And also for each concession ticket it's $11. Kalo beli 2 kena spent $22. Macam mana ni huhu^^

    any particular movie you wanna watch?^^

  3. eh, talentime ada at 1pm ek? i thot it's at 8.15pm on the opening night. maybe i got it wrong. i nak tgk talentime jugak. hehe.

  4. oh, i will watch it on the last day, on 7th Oct. Opening punya ticket macam mahal sikit kalo tak silap, huhu^^ drag suraya along if she's coming XD oh ya semue tiket kena book and buy online, through ACMI website
