Monday, July 27, 2009

My healthy breakfast

  • I love everything express and fast. So my breakfast are very easy to make too.
Depends on your appetite, take 5-10 spoons of oatmeal into the mircrowavable ware and pour water or milk which left 1 thin layer of water just above the oats.
Microwave on high or at 850 degrees for 1:20 minutes to 2 minutes. Make sure it's not too dry or too moist, and voila the oatmeal is done!
*The shining honey makes me drool~*
Pour some honey (I use 1 teaspoon) over the oatmeal or stir it and there you go!
This is Australian pure honey that I bought from Preston Market for $7 only!
For a Gozilla like me I need to devour an additional 2 kiwis to make myself feel near-full.
The Ultimate Advice
  1. Must take breakfast!
  2. It's good for your brain!
  3. Honey is good for your brain too!
  4. Skipping breakfast will result in obesity and also decreasing your brain activity!

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